Sunday, May 4, 2008

Scope Day Tomorrow!

We finally made it down to the airway floor on Friday night. Not that it is that much different then the ICU floor but we can now use our cell phones and eat in our room. Does not sound like much but after being here for two weeks it is a big deal.

Daniel has finally "detox" himself and all and all withdrawals were not too bad. He did decided to stay awake until 4 in the morning one day but other than that he did fabulously well. At least we will now know what he looks like stoned come his teen years.

We do have a follow-up scope tomorrow morning at 11:15. We are hoping that after that scope they will discharge us and we can start "living" in our hotel room. We are also hoping that Daniel's airway has continued to improve and everything is beginning to take shape.

We were able to take Daniel out for a stroll yesterday. The hospital provides wagons for the little ones here so we took advantage of it and took him outside for a bit. I think he liked it....

Daniel's nose also continues to improve and looks like it will just be red for a little while. A very good thing!! Mike was able to hit a local race track yesterday and bet on The Derby. We yet again did not win any money. Maybe next year!! Hope your Sunday was great and until tomorrow.....

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