Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day will always hold a special place in our hearts. Not only because it honors those who have served and those who are currently serving in our country armed forces, but, because it was the first holiday we spent with Daniel out in the public after his reconstruction trach surgery. And the first "public" thing we did was attend the Wyckoff Memorial Day Parade and thus it has become a family tradition for us.

Each year this borough puts on a fabulous parade and I have to say, we all enjoy it. From the multitude of firetrucks, to sitting with friends, to the tossing of candy and other items from parade walkers, we all enjoy it.

Here is Daniel in 2008 -

Look at him now. He still loves a good parade....

And as we celebrate Memorial Day 2011, please remember to.....


Happy Memorial Day!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend = Crawfish

For the past couple of years our friends have had a "white trash" party on one of the days over the course of Memorial Day Weekend. Our contribution is to secure the crawfish and cook them. Once again the Louisiana Crawfish Company came through for us (as did the same Fed Ex guy when he delivered them on Saturday).

Once they arrived, our little mud bugs had to be cleaned. Apparently, Daniel enjoyed this task a lot......

"Hey Dad, they are moving in there!"

And like the President of the United States we pardon one crawfish each year and he is allowed to live in our fishtank. Each year, the selection is left up to Daniel.......

"Boy these things are STINKY!!!"
Now back to selecting the right one........

"This is the one. You shall be pardon.
Go forth and live in my fishtank for a year."

"But you, I shall eat! Sorry Mr. Crawfish but that is what is meant to happen."

Happy Memorial Day!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

No More G-Tube = Slip-N-Slide

Last year I purchased a Slip-n-Slide on clearance knowing full well that until D's g-tube came out he would not be able to use it. Well that day has come and gone, and since yesterday it was quite hot here, out came the Slip-N-Slide. I will say it was TOTALLY worth the five bucks I paid for it. Here is Daniel's reaction to it. It is priceless........

Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Day of School

Believe it or not, today was Daniel's last day of pre-school for the year. Next year he will be onto Pre-K and after that Kindergarten. WHAT??? That is too crazy for me to even imagine. It has been amazing to watch him grow, look forward to school, and make some friends this year. I can't believe this is him back in September....

And today.......

Of course he had to wear this shirt despite my protests and wanting him to look nice. Guess it is not the last "battle" I will have with him regarding clothes.

He did have a little "End-of-the-Year" party featuring pizza and ice cream sundaes. The parents were invited to join in the celebration. It was very sweet and touching to see how much love his teachers had/have for him. And only Daniel... when asked by his teacher if he would come visit her next year, he promptly said, "NO." Yes, one more proud moment for me and once again, where is that magic hole that can make me invisible??.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

To Be Or Not To Be....

Four - with a flare for the dramatics

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sir Daniel

As part of Daniel's birthday surprises, we took advantage of a "Buy One, Get One Free" offer at Medieval Times since he is still a huge knight fan. Though he had no idea as to what the day would bring, and I finally smartened up and did not mention a word until the day before, he was pretty excited when he saw the "castle".

Of course there was a sword battle prior to heading to our seats. (Thanks Nana for the swords).

Sitting on Daddy's lap before the show begins....

Let the show begin with the explaination of the knights.....

Our Yellow Knight......

Which of course we cheered for......

Since he was battling the Bad Green Knight......

And yes, our Yellow Knight won over the Green Knight and freed the Prince.


I am a blog slacker. And yes, I was called out on it (Thanks Susan). However, she was absolutely correct, I have been slacking. I do wish I had a very valid and exciting reason for my "slacking" but I really don't. However, a funny thing happened during my "blog slacking" days, Daniel somehow turned FOUR last Wednesday. How that happened I haven't a clue but he certainly was excited for his birthday this year.

His birthday was filled with many birthday surprises, cupcakes at school and of course a birthday t-shirt.

After school Daniel was greeted by Nana at pick-up and a small group of friends who came over for a round of "Happy Birthday" and cake - ice cream cake, of course. And yes, it was a Batman birthday cake (which I forgot to take a picture of. Guess I am slacking in other areas of my life as well.)

All and all, there is one Happy Little FOUR-YEAR-OLD in this house.