Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thank God For The Oh Crap Bag Once Again!!

Not wanting to be too long winded here but I need to give some background for this post.

Right before we were ready to be discharged from the NICU, the nurse we had at the time said "If anything happens to that G-Tube I am going to scream." Needless to say that night Daniel's G-Tube fell out and we had to call the surgeon to put it back in. Since then we have never had to replace it ourselves since we have always just ask the Drs. in Cincinnati to check it and replace it if necessary.

Fast forward to this past Thursday. Daniel and I are at his weekly feeding appointment, which he did great at, and we were visited by their dietitian to go over Daniel's calorie intake since he dropped some weight at his 18-month check-up. During the meeting the dietitian said to me "you don't flush the G-Tube after every feeding and haven't had any problems?." Of which I said "No, and I had no idea I was supposed to, So don't jinx me."

As fate would have it (and you know where this story is going), this morning, Daniel was climbing on and off our bed having a ball. I went into the other room to get new pants for him since the ones I had on him were too short and Mike calls out "Mommy, come here." Thinking he was just calling me to show me something Daniel was doing, he instead showed me his stomach and the G-Tube had fallen out. As panic struck both of us, we scrambled to find it and thankfully it was all in one piece and still inflated. Mind you I had taken the extra, and only, G-Tube out of the "Oh Crap Bag" with us to go the Midwest just case and left it in the basket with his limited medical supplies now. As the excitement unfolded, I had to think were the hell I put the G-Tube and luckily my brain engaged and ran upstairs with the tube. Daniel, who apparently realized something was "missing" patted his stomach and laid on the bed without making a fuss allowing me to put the new G-Tube in. All I could think of was that the track the tube goes it is well established and he is not crying and just do it quickly. Thankfully all went well and and so far so good. The new tube's in and appears to be working. I guess the good news is that at least we know we can do it and it's not that hard. What a way to start a Sunday morning and once again, there is never a dull moment in the Duker Household.

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