Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Funny Kid

I know that all kids are funny. And I know that some go through stages of being funny. Daniel is in that funny stage now. Overnight he has become the King of One Liners in our house and sometimes we just have to look at each other and shake our heads.

Here are some of my favorites over the last few weeks:

"Mommy - with my new G-Tube I look like Daddy's favorite guy." - Daniel
"Whose that?" I ask
With hand in motion, "Z for Zorro!" - Daniel

On Sunday we were thinking about going out for a bit to a burger place which had games to play (not the horrible Chucky Cheese place). Upon realizing what we were talking about Daniel promptly chimed in "I will be so happy. Just look at my smiling face." Mind you the kid was still in his PJs.

I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine and told her I finally tried my hand at making soup. Again the little man heard me and shouted across the room "And I LOVED it."

When the OR nurse came in on Monday to wheel him down to surgery, she asked him "You are going to get your G-Tube fixed?" and pointed to her right side. (To Daniel it was the mirror image.) He, of course, had to correct her and said "No, not there. Here!" and proudly showed her his tummy.

Last night when I told him it was dinner time he politely told me "I am just looking for my Lego guy so be patience Mom. Be patience."

A friend of ours took care of our dog on Monday while we were in CHOP and she was very sweet and left Daniel a sweatshirt and brought over homemade cookies for him later that night. When we called to thank her, Daniel overhead me talking about getting new fish for his tank as we seem to be causing them mass suicide as of late. Again, realizing what I saying he said "Is she coming over to my house cause I will be soooooo happy if she did."

During our post-op on Monday, upon waking up Daniel asked the very nice nurses if he could have an ice pop. Unfortunately they did not have any and then wanted grape juice (which never drinks) and again they did not have any. Feeling bad the nurse offered up the option of having an ICY which of course he was all over it. Now one would think we are in a hospital that your flavor of choice would be red or blue. NO!! They were wild cherry and COKE flavored. The nurse was nice enough to bring both as she struck out two other times. Upon telling Daniel the flavors, he jumped all over the Coke flavor one and proudly and loudly announced "I LOVE SODA." He NEVER drinks soda in our house. Where it came from I have no idea and yes, I could have crawled into a hole if one magically appeared.

And of course, my favorite of the week, asking his surgeon on Monday when he came to visit us pre-surgery, "What took you so long?" Yes, this got laughs not only from us but from throughout the hospital.

So our house is now full of laughter thanks to our little comedian. We know we should not laugh at him but the problem is, the kid is so stinking cute, how could you not find him funny and laugh!

Happy Wednesday!!

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