Betcha thought this was going to be about snow, huh? Luckly the snow is still (hopefully) far away and the nice days of fall are still ahead. As for us, we are almost completely done with "digging out" of boxes and are now in the process of setting decor in our house. I do have to say, it really was not that bad but WOW was it a lot of work as we probably moved something over two full weeks. Our livable space has been livable since we moved in just two weeks ago and Daniel has been playing like a rockstar. I do have to say, he has been a champ in all this and now only wants to go to "my new home" when we are out and about. Thank you to everyone who helped us move. We REALLY could not have done it without your help and I am glad everyone got a giggle off me with my boxes and the fact that every room had its own color-coded duck tape. Hey - worked. Pictures are forth coming as I have to say I have been a slacker in that department lately.
We are looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving in our house. After a three year hiatus of doing Thanksgiving, we are looking forward to hosting it. The "herds" are coming as with tradition we are expecting about 12 people. The joys of the holidays!!!
We are also looking forward and hoping that Daniel enjoys Santa a bit more this year than last. We are keeping our fingers crossed as he is already starting to get excited when he "sees" Santa in the store or says "Santa bring that" during a commercial. Time will only tell on that one as trying to get his haircut has been a nightmare this past week. All I can say - open door, walk out with a crying child. Yes, two's are just TERRIFIC!!
So, with that, I leave you with a recent video and photo of the little man. Actually it was taken yesterday in our yard as it was close to 70 degrees outside and we were doing our "final" lawn clean-up and Daniel was trying to help me. And yes, he looks a lot like me trying to start our beast of a lawnmower.....
Enjoy what is left of fall and getting ready for Turkey Day!!