Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post-Op Day Two

Daniel successfully has made it through the first 24-hours and continues to hold his own and heal. He still has a little fever but so far his lab results have come back negative for any infections. They have placed him on some broad spectrum antibiotics to cover anything that might be brewing. We are keeping our fingers crossed that nothing brews.

Yesterday afternoon Daniel received a PICC line in his left arm to insure that he continues to receive all his medications intravenously. This was the same type of line Daniel had when he was in the NICU. We were able to join Daniel for the procedure and we have to say it was pretty cool to witness. Though we had to don surgical masks and hats the ladies who did it were fabulous. The line will stay in until they pull his breathing tube next week.

Daniel has acquired a bit of a blood blister on his nose. We are hoping it is just a bruise and with time will disappear. He definitely looks like "Heat Miser" now.
We will remain in the hospital until late next week. The good news is that the weather here is beautiful and all continues to go well.
Until next time......

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