Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Round Two - Done!

Round two is done and is in the record books!

Daniel underwent another stretching today and did well. The GI Dr. was able to stretch Daniel's esophagus to 8 mm, one mm larger than last time, but did say Daniel was no better or worst than two weeks ago. He also mentioned that other than the narrowing in the middle of his esophagus the rest of his esophagus looks fine. The bad news is that the Dr. wants to continue to do these dilations every two weeks but was not comfortable recommending someone closer. So who knows what we are going to do. I guess we have two weeks to decide.

We did get confirmation that the fistula is closed and everything is going in the right direction. Also, it was a fistula and not a cleft despite what the radiologist thought yesterday. I guess radiologists aren't as smart as they think they are. I knew I did not like that guy and I am glad I asked the GI guy.

So that's the update. We will be traveling home tomorrow and get to look forward to a visit from Mike's mom on Sunday. Yeah!!

Until next time....Kisses!!!

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